Brian Whitney

942550_10208927360011872_3180306565289748248_nBrian Whitney earned a BA in history from Weber State University and is currently in a Master’s program in publishing with George Washington University. He has interned for the LDS Church History Department as a research assistant and spent a summer in Nauvoo as a historic site interpreter and research fellow at the Joseph Smith Historic Site. Brian works as an editor and publicist for Greg Kofford Books and freelances on the side. You can hear Brian on the Greg Kofford Books Authorcast. He lives in Brigham City, UT, with his wife, four children, and one cat.

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Brian Whitney — 1 Comment

  1. Hi Brian,

    I read your article on the Seer stones “A Historiographical Glimps” Very well done. One question. The article states:

    In Joseph Smith’s History of the Church edited by B.H. Roberts, seer stones are mentioned only in connection with receiving revelation and only in the context of Smith’s eventual disuse of the instruments:

    Smith used the Seer stone when inquiring of the Lord, and receiving revelation, but that he was so thoroughly endowed with the inspiration of the Almighty and the spirit of revelation that he often received them without any instrument, or other means than the operation of the spirit upon his mind.[2]”

    I checked reference 2. “[2] Joseph Smith Jr., History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 Vols., B.H. Roberts, ed. (Deseret News Press, 1902-1912), 1:294.”

    I believe I have that very set. However I did not find it the mention of the seer stone anywhere. I also looked online and found an online version and searched it. I did not find that quote anywhere. The only reference is the renouncing of Bro. Pages peep stone. I spent a few hours to see if perhaps the editions are different or something, but I am not seeing that. The most updated version is here: I have the second ed, 1948, 8th printing (1974). Is there any light you could share on this? Thank you so much!

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